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In this class exercise, we were asked to model a sofa shown in the lecture slides.


The modeling steps of this class exercise basically followed the online video tutorial in the Digital Tutors. The effect of fluffy cushion and round angle of chair-arm were realized by smoothing via pressing "3". The key here is how to control the smoothing effect by adding edges, especially when an object has different smoothing intensity on different part.

The main tool used is Insert Edge Loop. Adding an edge closer to the intersections can tighten the surface up. We can see such tightening edges in many places where two parts of the sofa connects. The armrests on both sides, on the contrary, have no such tightening edges added because it is very sloppy according to the picture in lecture slides. Although Insert Edge Loop is the main tool used as does the tutorial video, other tools like Connect were also employed in order to give myself more chances to practice other alternatives. Bevel tool are used to create the effect of seams. Due to the many new horizontal lines generated after beveling, the top of the cushion was originally flat, so I added some more edges using Connect tool and picked some intersecting vertexes up using Soft Selection to make the cusion look plump. One thing that is worth mentioning here is that the sofa is mostly symmetric. If we enable Symmetric Selection, the modeling work will become more efficient because we don't have to move to and fro between two sides of the long sofa separated far apart. Based on the rotating shape of the legs in the picture, it is no doubt they should be modeled using curve resolving. So I first drew its silhouette using CV Curve Tool. Then, after some editing of control points and properly setting the pivot, I clicked Surfaces->Resolve and I am done!



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