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In this class exercise, I was asked to:

  • Choose one of my previous models and make it look as great as I can

  • Shade(texture), light, render it so it can be used for our class reel

  • Place it on a table or on a floor or in front of a background

  • Create a moving camera that shows the scene (60-120 frames long with 30fps)

  • Render the scene


I chose to use the minion model I created in Project 1 to finish this class exercise. A polygonal plane was employed as the floor to stand the character. Since the model is rather regular, I did not use UV Editor; instead, I use projected texture map inspired by our textbook. Also, most of the parts of minion can be shaded by simple color shader. As for lighting, I put three lights in compliance with the Three-Point Lighting. Three different types of light -- point light for key light, directional for fill light and spot for back light -- were used. I watched the online tutorial "Introduction to Camera Animation in Maya" in DigitalTutor to learn how to set up a turntable camera and this knowledge was applied in the exercise. I also followed this tutorial to set the animation curve to a straight line and make the animation continue infinitely after 120 frames. Finally, I used mental ray renderer to render the scene under default settings. The perspective of the working panel has been set to turntable camera, so after opening the Maya file, you can simply select the group1 node in Outliner which contains the resolving camera and click the play icon to see the resolving minion.



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